create memories to last a lifetime...

Registration is OPEN for 2024/2025 Season
Email for more registration information!

Policies/Important Dates-
Inclement Weather Policy:
Create Dance Center follows the Massapequa School District for closings due to inclement weather. Please check our website, facebook page and instagram for updates on emergency closings. No refunds will be granted for closing due to inclement weather. Make-up classes by appointment only.
Pandemic Policy:
In the event of another mandatory shut down, Create Dance Center LTD. will switch to an online/virtual platform as necessary.
Important Dates: 2024-2025
Monday September 16th- First day of Season 18!
Thursday, October 3rd- Rosh Hashana - CLOSED
Saturday, October 12th- Yom Kippur - CLOSED
Monday, October 14th- Columbus Day - CLOSED
Thursday, October 24th-Wednesday October 30th- Halloween Costume Week!
Thursday, October 31st- Halloween - CLOSED
Saturday, November 2nd- Company Create Costume Deposits DUE
Tuesday, November 5th- Election Day - CLOSED
Monday, November 11th- Veterans Day - CLOSED
Saturday, November 16th- Recital Costume Deposits DUE
Tuesday November 26th -Saturday, November 30th - Thanksgiving Break -CLOSED
Saturday, December 14th- Thursday December 19th- Holiday PJ Week!
Date TBD- Company Rehearsals/Company Holiday Party
Saturday, December 21st- Wednesday, January 1st- Holiday Recess-CLOSED
Saturday, January 18th-Monday, January 20th- Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend/Day-CLOSED
Wednesday, January 29th- Lunar New Year- CLOSED
Friday, February 14th- Company Create Costume Balance DUE
Monday, February 17th-Saturday February 22nd- Winter Break- CLOSED
Sunday, March 2nd- Company Pep Rally
Saturday, March 8th- Recital costume balance DUE
Saturday, March 15th – Thursday, March 20th - MAKE UP SNOW DAY WEEK (if we do not have any snow days to make up the studio will be CLOSED these days)
Tuesday, April 15th-Monday April 21st - Spring Break- CLOSED
Tuesday May 6th- Thursday May 8th - Studio Picture Day (no classes held)
Tuesday May 20th- Recital Prep day- CLOSED
Wednesday May 21st - Make Up Day #2 (If we do not need an additional make up day, the studio will be closed)
Thursday May 22nd - Make Up Day #3 (If we do not need an additional make up day, the studio will be closed)
Saturday May 24th-Monday May 26th- Memorial Day Weekend- CLOSED
Thursday May 29th - Ticket Sales Start!! 7pm
Saturday June 14th- Last day of regular season classes
Monday June 16th-Saturday June 21st- Closed for Recital Prep (Nationals rehearsals TBA and make up classes if necessary)
Week of June 23rd- Tentative Dress Rehearsal Dates
Monday June 23rd-Friday June 27th- Tentative Nationals Rehearsals
Saturday June 28th - Tentative Recital date
Nationals- July 6th-12th
July 14-August 8th- Tentative Summer Classes
Summer Camp Dates-TBD
Tentative Start 2025/2026 Season- Monday, September 15th